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The Mastery of LOVE

Updated: Feb 17, 2021

One book per week starts now. I will also be posting about books I have read in the past. I want to blog this because I found out that a way for me to learn better is to go in with the idea to teach/share what I have learned.

I first came across Don Miguel Ruiz when my friend and client Andre gifted me the book "The Four Agreements". This booked opened a love for reading and it also confirmed that being different is perfectly normal because we all have different perspectives of what reality is. I don't want to go into to much details but I will mention the 4 agreements.

  1. Be Impeccable with your word.

  2. Don't take anything personally.

  3. Don't make assumptions.

  4. Always do your best.

The Mastery of LOVE was definitely a great book to read after. This book spoke on how love has being given this identity of selfishness and ownership.

We crave love when were lonely and want someone to love us when we don't love ourselves, not realizing that all the love we could possibly want is already within us. This action is a cycle because the same people we might be craving love from are missing that important element called "self-love". We can't be surprised when they leave and go try to get better love...their idea of love is superficial and does not have a solid foundation. This takes us back to agreement number two"Don't take anything personal". We Have to find love within us and experience it like that before wanting someone to come into our world and change it for us. That is selfish and someone will always end up getting hurt.

Insted we need to be able to heal our wounds by looking into our lives and accepting the present and forgiving anyone that ever hurt us. In order for you to grow and find peace we have to be able to not take things personally from people that hurt us in the past too.

We also have to be able to forgive ourselves for not loving ourselves. Just think about how many times we have looked in the mirror and have said something mean about our body. That's the body that has brought you here today and is so strong and beautiful. After we apologize and start showing gratitude, we should start loving it and respecting it.

The way we see ourselves and the world will change when we move with love. The type of love that is so strong that we won't need it from anyone else because it is alive in us.

Another thing that this book talked about is that the image of "perfection" leads to self rejection and that will definitely stop you from reaching self-love. Something that I do is that I focus my time and attention on things that inspire me. I would never try to be like anyone else but instead I look for inspiration to be better at my crafts and eliminated anything that purpose was loud and sloppy. This could be a celebrity or group of people with the priority is to be seen and liked for goofy shit. I instead focused my energy to things that made me grow as a person while I also focused on loving and respecting myself. The way we spend our time and attention have everything to do with the person we will become in the next few years. I encourage you to sit back and pay attention at where your time and attention are going. If you don't see yourself growing from those things, let them go and plan for knowledge instead. The idea of perfection will completely change when you love yourself and find peace. Go be great champ!!

In conclusion I want to remind you that you are amazing and perfect just the way you are. Love is inside of you and sometimes in order to find it you have to unlearn what we grew up believing and go find your own reality of life. In order to do so you have to start asking questions. Ask yourself what it is that brings you most joy and happiness and work backwards. Experience those things every single day so that you find more and more peace and have room to keep improving. The way I see it is the following. The more I love myself and respect my time the less interest I have being around meaningless events or people who complain. Therefore I have more time to read, paint, call my mom and siblings, watch the sunset and just be happy with what is around me while I learn more and more to be able to keep reaching my goals that will eventually allow me to share my energy with those that matter the most to me.

This book was a huge reminder to just keep being present and love unconditionally. I hope that you can find it in your heart to put some time aside and just sit in silence to thank your being for being with you and also be present doing things that make you genuinely happy. Thank You for taking the time and energy to read this blog. I appreciate you and I wish the very best for you. Remember that you have everything you need to be happy. Much love and respect.

-Gisela Amago

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