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The Madness of the MIND

Updated: Mar 1, 2021

The deeper you go into the mind the more Madness you will encounter.

The waves are strong and dark. There's fear and confusion in this reality. The change lives in these fear base subconscious thought.

We fail to comprehend the size of the ocean ( infinite potential). Somewhere in the same ocean, there's sunshine and calmness.

The mind, The ocean both hold calmness and madness and as an experienced captains we have the free will to unlearn the subconscious thoughts that were planted by people who chose to live in the madness of the ocean. The captain hold the skills to understand the laws of nature. Now I understand the that they same laws apply to all things living.

Both the questions and the answers are within you.

The surrender is you accepting the potential you know you're capable of living and giving it all to THE ONE who controls all the elements of nature.

The beauty of the ocean and the being is in simply taking an observation and choosing the distance we want to see things from. Stepping back and loving the whole ocean instead of the portion that holds the storm is how we can separate the human experience from the soul. Knowing that there's calmness and light within and around the madness is what we call inner peace.

The understanding is that of the perspective we chose to experience the human form.

The light lives within you. You are the calmness you're looking for.



-Gisela Amador

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