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Updated: Feb 17, 2021

This blog is dedicated to my baby sister Mylee.

I love you sister and I wish I was able to be around you more but I know in the future we will be closer.

One of the main reasons why I've been more open to speaking about my life is because I realized that I have siblings that need me to be all that I can be. I need to be able to give them the tools to help them with this crazy thing called life. All the crazy things I've had to experience would be a waist if I wasn't brave enough to share it with my loved ones and people who might need it.

Here it goes. These are things that I know could be super useful to may people. I want to touch basis on a few things.



-Friends and Fun


-Love (guys)


Your foundation is your relationship with God and something that I had to realize was that religions are very blinding to the true relationship you should have with God.

Always move with love and respect others because everyone is fighting a battle inside. Love unconditionally because that energy will find it's way back to you and it will be in something beautiful.

Stay still for a while and know that you are able to recreate your life completely. God will never give you anything you can handle. You just have to change your perspective and always do the right thing the first time around.

Trust God and be grateful for who you are and what is NOW!


Please don't just hang out with anyone. Time alone might get lonely but it will be time for you to learn about new things and perfect your intuition and passion.

People around us are all trying to fill voids and so many times they do that by having "fun" or dating people because they're scared to have that time alone to heal the things that don't let them live in peace. With that being said you need to remember not to take anything personal because so many are really lost themselves so you just need to be you and perfect that.

Be so in love with yourself that you're your own hero and lover. BE THE REALEST PERSON YOU KNOW!

Find creative things to do and express things out of your comfort zone. It's sooooo ok to do things alone too. Go explore the world loving yourself.


Don't let anyone tell you that you're not worthy of love because of your body. YOU are beautiful and worthy no matter what.

Don't let the noice of social media or society distract you from what really matters. Working out and eating healthy should be a simple beautiful thing to do because you are doing it out of respect for your body. Your body has brought you to this moment. Show gratitude to it in everything you put in it and around it.

Look at your hands, wiggle your fingers and thing how life is so amazing because you're able to use them. If we only transition our mind from hating to workout or eating healthy to just a simple act of kindness towards ourselves every thing will be so much more peaceful. Respect and love yourself so that the universe can send more amazing things your way.

Perspective is everything so make it a peaceful one and go be all you can be health wise. It's your journey so no one has to understand it but you.


First thing that I want to say about this is that you need to know yourself and not let any out side noises change your mind on you doing whats best for you. Do NOT give in to per pressure because our " friends" will not be there to repair the damage done by trying to impress these people. Be confident and enjoy your life ON YOUR TERMS.

When you go out please make a plan before hand and don't let alcohol change them. Go to a place where you might know people that work there and tell them to make sure you have a safe plan before leaving the bar or club.

IT'S OK TO SAY NO!! This is in every aspect. You don't have to go out if you really just want to rest. You don't have to accept the drink from that guy or talk to anyone because they're talking to you. Be respectful of course but protect yourself at all cost.


THEY ONLY HAVE TO BE YOURS AND MAKE SENSE TO YOU. Do not live with regrets so go ahead and try it because at least you will learn for the experience and be at peace. Remember, perspective is everything.

Be careful who you tell your goals to, not everyone is a dreamer like you. Some people are ok with having a corporate job and letting that be their whole life story.

Be brave and just go for it!!

Educate yourself in your craft and give it your all, always! NO REGRETS!!


Love yourself and respect yourself so much that you more with gratitude and compassion while also being a complete badass and do everything to protect that pure heart of yours.

Move with love and intention with your every move. Doing everything with LOVE is you respecting your higher self everyday because you want to be all that you can so that LOVE can live throw you for ever. LOVE is simply a ripple affect that keeps on giving.

The one thing that goes hand and hand with this is that you can't take anything personal because than it's not genuine and it time spent in a low vibration and your goal should always be increasing your vibration. Be made of love and courage so that you accept that when you love with love, that energy will always come back to you in beautiful way when you lease expect it.

LOVE yourself so much that when anyone is trying to get your attention your intuition is able to determine by simply making a decision based on energy and a reflection of you.

The love of my life will be in love with his life and when I met him it will be energy that is familiar to my spirit. This is why I'm ok when people walk out of my life. I know my LOVE is genuine and I have to be able to respect them before even considering investing my time into anyone. I don't take anything persona because I go into it with the intention to learn from them so I can never say " I waisted my time".

Let LOVE be the action that leads your life and life will just become so much more beautiful.

That is it my beautiful people. I love ya'll and if I think of anything else I'll come back and add it.

Remember to move with LOVE & INTENTION and go live your best life!!

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